Monday, April 09, 2007

Does the President sin . . . ?

From the mouth of the 6-year-old. We were driving home from school this afternoon . . . and Aidan was sitting in the back of the van, quiet . . . contemplative. And he asks,
"Does the President ever sin?"
"What?" I ask.
"Does the President SIN ever," he repeats.
"Well, yeah, everybody sins . . . even presidents," I say.
"I'm talking about the President of the United States, Mom," Aidan says.
"Even the President of the United States sins," I explain.
"Well, does the President ever lie?" he asks.
"Which president are you talking about?" I ask.
"George Bush, Mom," Aidan says.
"We hope he doesn't, " I say.
" There was a President that lied," Aidan says. "That was Bill Clinton and he was the president when I ws born. So I guess presidents lie."
"Well all the people who live in the country get to vote for who we want to be president, and we hope that the person we elect doesn't lie," I explain.

Then we get a little off track when Aidan wants to know who the President of The World is, which as far as I know hasn't been decided yet. And then we get around to talking about how the President of the United States has just about the most important job in the world.

"Has a girl ever been a president?" Aidan asks.
"Any president," I ask, "Or THE President of the United States?'
"Of the country, Mom," he insists.
"Well, not yet." I say.

Then I explain about Hilary . . . but by then he's moved on to a new topic . . . what candy he'll be eating from his Easter Basket when we get home.


Blogger Gretchen Magruder said...

Don't you love being a parent? It puts life in a whole new perspective!!

9:51 PM  
Blogger beegracious said... you have a budding politician there?

6:48 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I want to hear Aidan's thought on the U.N. Security Council...

10:46 PM  

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