Reporting from the loo . . .
Okay. . . I've sunk to an all-time mommy high point . . . I've locked myself in the bathroom, just so I can check email and some blogs. That's bad, right? I'm seriously hiding out from "the boys" just for a few moments to be with my Lifebook and our great new wireless service. These boys have sort of been, how would you say, bugging the fire out of one another for the past few days. School starts back up for Aidan on Wed., that's first grade, and I don't think it could come any sooner. So what does a two year old and a pretty high functioning 6 year old have to argue about? Well, the latest brouhaha that led me to lock myself in the bathroom was Aidan trying to convince Liam that the "building" in his coloring book was in fact the Eiffel Tower of Paris, France (not Paris, New York where Aidan had previously thought the location of the Eiffel Tower.) Liam would respond with "nuh-uh." Aidan would respond with, "Yes, it is." And so on and so forth. You'd hide away from that, right? I told Aidan, "Look, Liam doesn't know what the Eiffel Tower is or is not. In fact, he does not know what a tower is. He is two. He eats paint and bugs. Please don't cook yourself up into such a froth arguing with your brother." And then that's when I locked myself in the bathroom with the laptop. Not so bad now, huh?
In other great news . . . Josh and I went to the James Taylor concert in Peoria Monday night. It was such a great show. If you discount the fact that we were the only ones under fifty and not all "sillied-up" on cocktails. The third song of the show, James played "The Water is Wide" which we had played by a string quartet in our wedding. That earned the 3 million dollars it cost to attend the concert. (only slightly kidding.) Love that James Taylor.
I just finished being locked into the loo with my screaming child. Bath night comes to everyone eventually. Normally he chills out once he's in the tub. Tonight, no way. We have two bathrooms, how did I get stuck in the one with the screaming kid? I think if @ said something about the Eiffel Tower it had something to do with "I HATE YOU! I'M MOVING TO THE EIFFEL TOWER! IT WON'T MAKE ME BATHE!"
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