Sunday, April 16, 2006

Dread . . .

It's Sunday night, and Josh and I are beginning to mill around the house in what I call the "Sunday night Dread." We do this every week. I don't know why. Sometime, usually after 9 pm on a Sunday night, the kids are in bed asleep, we both sink into these dread-like states. What is this? Why do we do this? We start talking about what we have to do in the morning. We're laying out our clothes for the morning. We're sulking. I hate this, yet I do it. It's like our weekend, our 48 hour hiatus from it all is over. uggh. It's been such a great day, too, celebrating Easter today and all. We need to get something going on a Sunday night, like "movie night," or "board game night" somethin' to ward off the dread.


Blogger caparoon said...

I think it's a "life" thing. Having to do with purpose and action and whatnot.. some kinda thingers like that... We're working on it. : ]

But I agree w/ my wife--you should probably stop living so cleanly! Can't be helping. And if your dread hits a crisis level, let us know, and we'll distract you with our clever and amusing antics.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

For Amanda and I, it's the opposite - dread begins as the weekend approaches and we start thinking about traveling and talking and explaining...only after Monday night (small group) is over do we breathe.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Steph H. said...

Oh . . . but don't forget that clean livin' gets you the good parking spots. I'm just not ready to give up good parking spots for a little bit fun on Sunday night.

7:14 PM  

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