Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Heart Swell . . .

I had one of those Mommy heart swell moments today . . . my boys and I went to a "Birthday Party for Jesus," which mainly consisted on some moms and kids from our church having a little cake, rubbing balloons on their heads, and other merriment. Before we had the cake, one mom asked Aidan if he could tell everyone about the Christmas story. What was so funny in this moment was that Aidan was wearing a pair of swimmer's goggles he found, and was completely caught off guard by the invitation. What made my heart swell was his response . . .

"Well, two shepherds were out flocking their sheep. They saw a very bright star in the sky, which actually turned out to be an angel. That angel told them that Jesus was gonna be born. There was a man and a woman named Joseph and Mary. They were gonna have Jesus. Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger. After that, God had a Son. . ."

He told this without removing the goggles.

It made my heart swell to hear him tell this story without any reminders or nudgings from mom. I dunno. It makes my heart swell to hear my little boy talk about God. I think he gets Christmas, my Aidan. He doesn't care what he "gets." He doesn't believe in Santa, even though I told him we could at least pretend he's coming . . . no dice, Mom. He tells everyone that if you turn a candy cane upside down that it's "J" for Jesus, and "that's what Christmas is all about."

It just makes a mom's heart swell with joy.


Blogger Gretchen Magruder said...

there's nothing better!

5:36 AM  

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