Monday, October 15, 2007

Ponderings from the mini-van, third row . . .

This is another delightful, thought-provoking, and completely true conversation my 7-year-old started with me on our way to church Sunday morning. (Please see other exciting conversations of this nature, such as "Does the president sin?" on this blog)

Aidan: Is Judgement Day on the calendar?

Mom: No. We don't know the day or hour Jesus will come back.

Aidan: Oh, 'cuz when Judgement Day comes, God's gonna destroy the whole earth.

Mom: Yeah, but Jesus will take all of us who believe in God to Heaven to be with Him forever.

Aidan: You think I'll get to sit next to a president in Heaven? Do you think I could sit next to Ronald Reagan?

Mom: Well, when we're in Heaven, we'll just be so excited about being with God forever we won't care about anything else, like who we're sitting next to.

Aidan: That's a great feeling. (he smiles a smile that nearly brought me to tears)

Mom: Yes, it is a great feeling.

Aidan: Don't you think the excitement will wear off, though?

Mom: No.

Aidan: It'll probably wear off after about 2 billion years.

Mom: No, the Bible says we'll have new bodies when we're in Heaven. So we'll be different and it probably won't wear off.

Aidan: What kind of new bodies?

Mom: I don't know, but we won't worry about stuff like sin anymore, because our bodies we got now seem to make us sin.

Aidan: I hope He gives us new minds too, because my mind makes me sin!

That kid's always giving me something to think about. I love his heart and his mind.


Blogger Gretchen Magruder said...

wow!! isn't it amazing what their little brains are thinking about?!

9:35 PM  
Blogger Steph H. said...

yes, gretchen! It makes me wonder what else is going on in their little minds that they aren't sharing . . .

7:21 AM  
Blogger Charles Schultz said...

Ditto. Aidan has an amazing mind. Thanks for giving us a glimpse.

Annie did a Rain Man joke on us the other day, but she laughed more. I think I find it amazing how much stuff gets into their little heads even when you are not trying. Kinda scary, too.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You know you're raising Alex P. Keaton when your kid wants to sit next to Ronald Reagan in heaven.

4:43 PM  

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