Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I'm working at our church in Champaign now as an administrative assistant. It's a fun job, and nice to be around our ministerial staff a little more often. They're a great bunch of folks. Our student minister is a pretty high energy kind of guy with good ideas. The other day as I was finishing up some work he walked by my desk and dropped a book down in front of me and said, "read this . . . you'll like it." The book is, "Searching for God Knows What," by Donald Miller, aka the "Blue Like Jazz," guy. I haven't read that book yet. When I tell people this they react as though I've comitted a crime. Already, I like this book so much. I keep having this feeling that the writer could really be a handful of people I know only pretending to be this Donald Miller to fool me. So far two ideas he talks about have stuck out to me. One is where he talks about how he knows God wants to relate to us personally ( or rather wants us to relate to Him) because of all the poetry in the Bible. I love thinking about this. He explains how facts and methods don't capture our hearts likes poetry and art does and that God wants to capture our hearts. I love it. I think there are more ideas that are getting me in this book, but I really think I would rather go read a little more from it. Some of you blogger friends who have read this or other Donald Miller books, can you tell what you've thought of him and some of his ideas? I had one friend tell me he talks about himself way too much for anyone's good. I relate well to someone talking about themselves and their journeys. So I like him so far. Would love to hear your impressions, thoughts, comments.


Blogger shawanda said...

Like you, I relate way more to someone who shares their life story. Some of my favorite books and movies are heavily character driven. As far as Mr. Miller is concerned, I remember reading "Blue Like Jazz" and loving how he could make me laugh out loud in one moment, and then as John said, "hits me in the stomach" in the very next. I'll have to check out "Searching for God Knows What."

7:36 AM  
Blogger JennT said...

I saw him speak at a conference in November. The best part about it--he's really just a big dork.

Seriously. Very dorky.

I expected this cool, fairly good-looking, granola kind of guy. Nope. Imagine John Deck, only bigger around with worse teeth, and a green polo-style shirt that was clearly from the $7 section at Wal-Mart. Then add in this sort of goofy laugh, and kind of nasally voice, and an amazing ability to read/recite poetry.

And write some good books.

Very refreshing.

7:29 PM  

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