Weirdest dream ever!
Seriously . . . I had this dream for real!!! I came across it recently in the pages of an old journal. I wrote everything down I could remember immediately after I woke up.
Nov. 21, 2000
Weird dream . . .
I was in college again or something. A few of us in the class were given these small binders. We just knew somehow they were the instructions for our next "secret mission." I was part of some secret federal project. My instructions were written in the margins of a magazine article. Also, a songbook was opened before me. The words to the song, "The Prayer," were written in Latin but it all somehow made sense to me. My mission would involve me going to an island off of Africa called "Anne Hoi," or something like that. I could expect it to be very cold, but also very hot before I left. I would be there for 2 days and I could invite someone to go with me. I considered inviting my brother and telling my parents I had been involved in this project. I couldn't read the specific instructions about what I'd be doing because the writing was messy. I got up from my table to do something and I saw the professor closing my binder and gathering up my notes that I had been jotting down about my mission at hand. "Oh no," I thought, "I'm dead now. I left all this top secret stuff out for anyone to see. What is she (the prof.) going to do to me now?" She asked to see me out in the hall. We tried to find an empty to talk in. When we found somewhere to talk, she lectured me about the confidentiality of this project. . . blah, blah blah. Also, she gave me further instructions about what I'd be doing. I was to attend this court hearing at a university and try to interupt the precedings with questions. The whole issue was with what languages they were teaching at the university. Some students were on trial for trying to learn English, I think, which was not approved by the university. She said the freedom of the students depended on me. As she was talking, I was actually there (in Anne Hoi) doing my job. The students spoke mostly French. And it was hot the whole time I was there. Then everything just skipped to my coming home. I came home by bus . . . school bus. I was wearing kind of an old-fashioned nurses uniform, with a big nurses hat with a red cross on it. I had a whole bunch of poodles on leashes. This was part of my "cover-up." The dogs had come from the "French-speaking" island I had been to. I got back to my university and met Tammy (Melchien). She was to help me with the poodles. (Oh yeah, if anyone were to ask about the poodles, I was to say that the bald one had a cat embryo implanted into it.) Tammy and I went to a bus stop. An ambulance, not a bus, came to get us. Tammy disappeared through a door to the front. But the opening was too small for me. The ambulance was seriously crowded with college students. I saw Josh across the way and he asked me where I had been and why I was wearing a nurses uniform. He didn't even notice the 8-10 poodles on leashes around me. Just then I awoke to hear Aidan playing in the next room.
This is so amazingly weird, but I really did dream it!
Certainly weird, but not the weirdest dream ever...
I once dreamed that Godzilla was attacking EIU and the only person who could save us was Jerry Parker! He transformed into a giant and wrestled the great beast (as he was prone to do). Then we threw him a bar mitzvah and watched him dance with a monkey in the Campus House parking lot.
there he goes again with the monkey talk.
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