Big News . . .
Today feels like a transition day. Our Christmas break seemed unusually long but tomorrow thrusts me back into my normal life. So today has felt odd all day. It sort of feels like I've been leaning back into the rubbery part of a slingshot for the last few months, stretching it and stretching it, and now sometime in the wee hours of tomorrow morning something's gonna give and I'm gonna spring out into something. Probably just more normal life type stuff, but it still feels a little sudden. Over the break we fit in a visit down to Oblong, Christmas Eve with family at our house, a visit to Peoria, several home-improvement projects as we prepare to get our house on the market, and an all-nighter with friends on New Year's Eve. That's a lot to pack in. (I had to go into work for 3 hours last Wednesday, and that's it.) But back to work for me tomorrow, and back to 1st grade for Aidan. I've spent transition day playing games and watching "Lassie" with the boys, resisting the tempatation to clean my house, and sipping hot tea to chase away the sore throat I've had for a few days. Feeling a little apprehensive about some changes coming up for us . . . new babysitter to Liam (We lost the last one to Indianapolis, the current one to Radiology school), new work schedule for me (still only 15 hours though), and as mentioned we are selling our house soon in order to get into a different school district. Maybe all this is the cause of the slingshotty feelings. And I'm turning 33 on Friday. That's something, right? Back to hot tea and transitions . . .