Saturday, September 10, 2005

New Orleans . . .

I came across a somewhat aging plastic bag in the back of my closet tonight, and in it I found a bunch of souvenirs from my last visit to New Orleans ( about 10 years ago). During college I got to go on 2 all expense-paid trips to New Orleans (each a week-long) thanks to the Journalism Dept. We had meetings and seminars during most of the day, but we had the evenings to do as we wanted. Both trips I stayed in the French Quarter. I loved New Orleans. It was slighlty crazy at night (one of the trips was during the tail end of Mardi Gras.) But if your intent isn't to get drunk and stay that way while you're there, it's a beautiful, interesting place to be. I've wanted Josh and I to go there every since we got married. I can kind of see my way around the French Quarter in my mind and I can definitely remember a few places that I have wanted to visit again. Definitely Preservation Hall and Cafe Du Monde. Watching CNN the other night, the camera crew was walking through the French Quarter and I saw those two places still standing, a little dirty, but standing. I know it's silly, but I felt sad when I started to see the damage on TV, thinking that places that I visited and loved may not be standing anymore. Maybe a little relieved when I think of some of the creepy stuff that goes on in New Orleans getting washed away (the Voodoo, stuff like that.) I remember peeking in a Voodoo shop in the French Quarter. I wonder if those folks will make their way back into the city once the clean-up has taken place. I have a nice memory of walking in the French Quarter really early in the morning (maybe 6 am) and the streets had been wall to wall people the night before, with bright lights and Cajun and jazz music pouring out from every window. But in the morning, it was such a contrast. It was quiet. Instead of bright lights you could see all the colors of buildings, a pink one next to a green, next to a red . . . all lined with wrought-iron patios. It was really pretty, and different. I don't know anybody down there now struggling with the flooding, I just have some memories of some nice places I hope to see again.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Good day, sunshine . . .

This is just a good day and I felt like writing about it. The house is sunny and breezy today. It's a great day to not have to work but to stay around the house instead. I just finished a good book, "The Good Earth," by Pearl Buck. Now I have three new library books to read. WONDERFUL! I've been thinking about starting/hosting a book club, er group, er whatever you call that. I have just been loving reading lately (lately? . . . I mean always) and want to read and talk about books with people more often. How does one go about that? Hmmm. Also, the bigger kid is at school having the time of his life and the smaller kid is snoozing away in his comfy, breezy room. I have cream puffs in the oven (mom's recipe) to share with the neighbors tonight. I'm telling you, it's a stinkin' great day for me. By the way . . .for those of you who read this blog, would everyone mind sharing what books they are currently reading? (If it's something you'd even recommend.) I'm coming near to the end of my summer reading list and would love some ideas for my fall reading list. So let's hear it . . .whatcha' been readin'??